Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I had some friends stop by to make some things at the studio today.  Barb entertained us with her stories about her cruise to the Carribean.  The overrated nude beach story was the best.  It really is a boost to your attitude to laugh till you cry!

Plates seemed to be the theme of the day.  Both Barb and Heather had orders from the Christmas gifts they gave.  Gives you a good feeling to know that they want more.  I got a set of sushi dishes started for the Kings Athletic Boosters' Knight to Remember.  It's like prom for adults with alcohol.  Since my kids participate in so many sports, I donate several items for the silent auction each year including a girls' night out at the studio.  I'm also including a set of chalkboard mugs like the one here.

It was way too cold for me today.  The studio is heated with a wood stove which means I have to drag my butt down there, light a fire, come back to the house and warm up, and then see it the fire caught.  It didn't - They wood was wet and hard to do anything with.  We did get a magnificent sunset tonight.  The picture really didn't do it justice but it was close.


  1. Trish looking at your space, your designs and hearing your comments I am so inspired and cannot wait to take my first class. I have wanted to do this type project for a long time, I am so glad I found you (and gave some things I bought as gifts) at the Lakota West Show. Someone I gave a little dish to for Christmas also wants to take a class... love it! Can't wait til March! Darla

    1. Darla - I can't wait till classes start as well!! I have some fun decorating ideas for everyone to try and I miss my pottery buddies. It's very exciting for me to see how the projects bloom into something wonderful and how happy everyone is with their work. I'm sure you will have as much fun as we do. Be warned though, it is addicting. If you want to see some of my pottery inspirations, check out my board on pinterest. Let me know if you have problems getting on the site.
