Ok - I'm done with this weather. It's way too cold to even begin to work in the studio. I have had 2 flat tires in 2 weeks, and did I mention I want to work in the studio? I'm going to be like my Pollyanna friend Heather and Look to the bright side. My house is clean, I have all of my items done on my resolution list (except start and etsy page), I applied to all the shows I possibly can at this time, and I have had lots of time to think about what I want to work on when I finally get back to the studio. Specifically some work with graphics and vintage illustrations.
Tomorrow morning I'm helping out with my daughter's Senior class breakfast, always fun to see such a great group of kids. Saturday is her one of her last swim meets. The weatherman has agreed to be good to me next week and I am looking forward to finally being productive.
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